Event Concierge Service

curating magical experiences

Our dedicated concierge service for the ultimate bespoke event

Build your dream event from the details up, creating an expertly tailored, fully immersive experience for you and your guests. Your event concierge will offer expert one-to-one advice, support and complete event management throughout the planning and hosting process.

Relax, we’ve got this!


Let us do the heavy lifting to get your event off the ground


From crafting custom menus and creating unique drinks to first-class production, theming, entertainment design and venue selection, our Event Concierge will ensure every aspect of your event is perfected. To discuss our vision for your event, the full Camm & Hooper senior team will host a creative workshop and present an extensive, bespoke proposal.


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Curating all you need for a magical experience


No more running around chasing 3rd party suppliers or worrying about the little things. We use our tried and trusted friends to find the perfect features to make your event magical. Our friends are across the board and specialise in flowers, furniture, cakes, entertainment, and technology; from photographers to DJs, we have our little black book formed from years of working with event industry professionals.


See our Friends

Start curating your event today

Use our venue finding service to get started, then let our dedicated team of curators work their magic!

Find Your Venue
